Mego Shop Sell products and features

Let your users make purchases from within your App

With in-app purchases fueling much of the app worlds revenue streams, it’s important to get this done properly! Mego Shop lets you easily support in-app purchases and even lets you set individual prices by location. The sky is the limit with the possible payment structures and what you can charge! Simply change your inputs on the user-friendly Control panel so you don’t need to worry about coding and you’re good to go, and all in real time!

Set prices for any product or feature with ability to even set differential pricing for different app stores or country. Besides you could set one time charges, subscriptions, or both, all at once for different product sets within the app. Stop worrying about the ‘what’ and ‘how’. Instead, get the powerful store front for your products working in no time. Get the ability to sell, and start making money now. Revenues solves those problems that other efforts simply cannot.

Besides pair this with the robust Mego User, and you can manage your users and let them restore the previouspurchases and transaction history on the new device without any hassle

  • Set purchases within your app, including one time charges or subscription charges
  • Add differential pricing based on the platform, store, or location of the buyers
  • Alter pricing at any time and the changes would reflect in the app in no time
  • Get the ability to sell from your store front and make money without the grind
  • One Time Purchases
  • Subscriptions
  • Partial Purchases
  • Seasonal purchases
  • Trial for subscriptions
  • Grace for subscriptions
  • Percentage Discounts
  • Value Discounts
  • Dynamic Regional Prices
Mego Shop

Installation 15 Mins

  • Shop
  • Features
  • App
  • CMS
  • SDK

Kickstart your Business!

Your risk is on the house, you choose when to pay